
#77 RGB & The Bean Hive

Gosh this is embarrassing, it's been months since I last visited RGB & The Bean Hive during its soft-launch phase. Due to an unforeseen mishandling of data archive, I could only recover and retrieve this set of shots for now...

Enter RGB & The Bean Hive, RAW Coffee's reincarnation in the form of a beautiful hidden cafe. Secluded in plain sight with plenty of neighbourhood shrubs, RGB & The Bean Hive is a dual-establishment consisting of a cafe and a bean roasting section.

With the same folks behind RAW Coffee running the joint, rest assured that every cuppa Joe is as good as it gets.

Gotta admire the very clean and sleek interior design. Showered with unfiltered natural light, the place oozes coziness and charm, especially its British-inspired furniture set.

The coffee roaster from Wisma Equity's RAW Coffee...

The coffee's been great, but my plate of aglio oglio was a tad too spicy though...

This might be one of KL'S best secrets..

RGB & The Bean Hive
35, Jalan Damai, Off Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.
Tel: 03-21811329
Business hours:
Daily: 10.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.

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