
#43 Cat In The Box (at The Centre for Asian Photographers)

Photography and coffee collides in yet another concept workshop cum cafe at The School, Jaya One. Located within the rather secluded Centre for Asian Photographers is a quaint little cafe affectionately known as 'Cat In The Box'. Follow us as we let the cat out of the bag box. Bad pun.

Right: Hot Chocolate (RM 9.00)

Espresso (RM 6.00)
The cafe prides itself on serving exclusive single-origin East Timor beans, which explains the espresso's exceptionally bitterness. It's dark, it's rich and it's high in acidity. PS. Lovin' the adequate layer of thick, smooth crema atop.

Affogato (RM 13.00)
Fatbaby's smooth salted caramel ice-cream drenched in espresso - a match made in heaven.

Fatbaby Chocolate Ice-Cream (RM 8.50)
We rounded up our session with a petite tub of Fatbaby's homemade chocolate ice-cream. It's sinfully dark, and filthy rich.

In addition to serving consistent coffee and delectable homemade ice-cream, scones and cream puffs are served here too.

Of course, we mucked around for an hour or two playing Bingo! Why not.

And we visited a photo exhibition (India - Portraits of Everyday) upstairs. The airy, spacious gallery had all these framed images aligned along the clean, white walls, each with a story to tell through its frozen moment, all captured in glorious black-and-white behind the lens.

Cat In The Box @ The Centre for Asian Photographers
100-L1.019 The School, Jaya One
No. 72A, Jalan Universiti
46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: 018-2440611
Business hours:
Daily - 10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

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