
#16 Johnny Rockets

Talk 'bout the invasion of old vintage American Diners. Johnny Rockets has landed on our shore with its very first outlet opened at The Curve.

With the ever retro 1970's vintage American diner settings (jukebox, B&W checker floor, waiters and waitresses in quirky outfit..), the exterior has outdone itself upon comparison with the food served here, which to me was a total let-down.

So, I grabbed a seat in front of the bar counter to check out what's cooking up at the busy kitchen.

The stuffy kitchen was packed with cooks and crews. Burgers were continuously prepared in abundance.

Let's get to the food shall we..

Vanilla Original Shake (RM 14.90)
Yeah, I must be crazy to pay a hefty RM 14.90 for a glass of milkshake. Smooth, creamy and full-bodied, yet the serving size was little. You just couldn't help but to find it overpriced (Damn I could get a venti vanilla frappe at Starbucks if I'm paying this equal amount!)

The Original (RM 19.90)
Here comes the disaster. The patty was rough on mouth, dry and tasteless, rendering zilch juiciness and tenderness. Yeah, the patty ruined pretty much everything.

The only thing good about the dish was the awesomely fried onion rings!

Oh, halfway pitching in my plate of dissatisfaction, loud music was abruptly played out from the jukebox with most of the crews busting out some choreographed dance moves.

Yerpz, the dance was an entertaining crowd-pleaser, minus the horrible, and I do mean horribly horrendous burger I had.

So, it's up to you now. Go be a judge and try it out.

Johnny Rockets
Lot G52, The Street,
The Curve, Mutiara Damansara,
Selangor 47800 Malaysia.
Tel: 03-77328366

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