
#11 100 Doraemon Secret Gadgets Expo

In conjunction with the fictionally impended advent of Doraemon, an ongoing expo showcasing 100 of the musophobic robotic cat's favourite gadgets has marked a special occasion that celebrates both Fujiko Fujio's hueful characters and Doraemon's future birthday, which is bound to happen one century away.

Priced at a hefty RM 25 for an adult ticket, one just couldn't risk not clearing their camera's memory space. The experience just wasn't worth the admission price without snapping countless photos on the way.

So, here it is, the complete walk-through of the expo....

Relive your fondest childhood cartoon memory as Doraemon brings you on a journey back in time by his dimension-hopping time machine.

The expo passage begins with a prelude area that introduces Doraemon's origin story. Cute life-size models were great story-telling tools as each section chronicles the protagonist's tragic past. From how it was manufactured straight to its post-ear loss depression, who would've thought such cheerful cartoon character could have such sorrowful past!

After getting acquainted with Doraemon's background story, we then stepped into this vast exhibition area filled with 100 Doraemons armed with their magical equipments. The only downside seems to be the way the models were assembled as all figures were displayed without any labeled description or further information regarding the gadgets equipped.

All 100 gadgets were listed in a guidebook, which is sold separately at RM 19, if not mistaken.

And here we go...

All 100 Doraemon models compiled into one huge set of collages!

Doraemon's 100 Cafe. Yes, I already saw this catastrophe coming our way. The snacks tasted bad, like, really bad, worst kind of bad! The only reason that attracts fool like me will always be the packaging. Come on, it's a freaking Memory Bread!

From left: Doraemon Cappuccino (RM 5.90), Dorayaki (RM 6) and Memory Bread (RM 5)
Nevertheless, the cappuccino tasted like horse piss, the Dorayaki was a cold mess and don't even get me started with the rock-hard Memory Breads!

So, that's all for now I guess. My verdict for the expo: A must-visit for die-hard Doraemon fans. As for the others (like me..), do drop by if you're free and really indeed up to nothing on weekends.

100 Doraemon Secret Gadgets Expo
Venue: Viva Home Expo Hall (Level 2)
Date: 14th December 2013 till 23rd March 2014 (Yup! It's a total 100-day event)
Admission time: 10 a.m. till 10 p.m. (Last entry at 9.00 p.m.)
Ticket price: RM 25 for adults, RM 15 for 4-12 years old.

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