
#1 Urbean Urban Kitchen & Coffee House

Lately, there has been a surge of boutique coffee shops opening around the city. Brewing in the name of fiery passion, these quasi-arthouse coffee chains strive on serving fine espresso drinks and scrumptious desserts amid relaxing atmosphere of Minimalist interior decor and hipster music.

It was a Tuesday, a public holiday. Instead of staying indoor and be a couch potato, I called up my friends and met up with them at the Golden Triangle for an unproductive day of window-shopping, merry-making and gastronomically induced comatose. After all, that's how a well-spent public holiday should be.

When it was tea time, someone suggested 'Starbucks'. I declined, and brought them here to try out the drinks and cake.

Nestled along Avenue K's underground sidewalk (adjacent to the KLCC LRT station), Urbean is an elusively petite spot that will easily left passersby unnoticed. With fashionably hipster music playing, the coffee shop exudes style and simplicity from its quaint, empty seats and menu board, which may be something deemed attractive to coffee aficionados. Oh wait, coffee aficionados are only attracted to the essence inside the cup.

The clipboard menu was interesting.

The affable staffs were more than helpful to attend to us. Our orders included an Iced Latte (with Chocolate at the bottom), Cappuccino, Macchiato and Chocolate Mousse Cake, which was the only food item we ordered upon recommendation by one of the staffs.

From left: Cappuccino, Macchiatto.
As usual, the Iced Latte(RM 10 + RM 2 for the chocolate), being a commonplace essential in every espresso menu, delivered the caffeine kick that I've been longing for quite some time. However, the Macchiato's strong, intense taste was just too much for me. Yeah, even the hardest coffee drinker like my friend Winston couldn't take it - he diluted the drink. Classic.

The staff didn't make the wrong call recommending this to us. The Chocolate Mousse Cake (RM 10) is to die for. With all the soft, creamy chocolate greatness lingering around your palate, one couldn't help but to continuously murder the slice piece by piece.

Urbean Urban Kitchen & Coffee House
C-14 Avenue K, 156, Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 03-2181 5781
Business hours:
Daily: 10.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m.

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