
#91 Keng Nam

Enter Keng Nam coffeeshop, one of the establishments that serve Ipoh curry noodles....

The curry here bears a fiery top red layer. Try it with Ipoh 'sha-horfun' (flat rice noodles) for that appropriate taste that's distinctively local...

The main highlights here seem to be the oh so awesome glutinous rice. With two types to choose from, the kaya glutinous rice is a straight-out champion (we ordered quite a number of those...) that'll have you craving for more, while the curry ones are no less delicious too.

Honourable mentions: Ipoh white coffee (they're practically everywhere!), chee cheong fun, and dan-ji (half-boiled eggs served on toasts).

Keng Nam
Jalan Raja Ekram, Kampung Jawa, Ipoh, Perak
Tel: 05-255 7328

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