
#89 Kum Kee (Pasir Pinji Big Small Feet)

On an underwhelming note, we went to Kum Kee to sample their well-known dish - big small feet.

Yes, 'big small feet' is the direct translation of its Cantonese name. To the uninitiated, it's a dish consisting braised pork knuckle and chicken feet. Why underwhelming? They ran out of pork knuckles, what a bummer.

Nevertheless, not a fan of chicken feet myself, I must say that the soy sauce is pretty awesome stuff..

Oh, we had fried stuffs, juicy bean sprouts and ultra-smooth Ipoh flat rice noodle as accompaniment.

Kum Kee (Pasir Pinji Big Small Feet)
798 – 799, Jalan Sekolah, Pasir Pinji,
31650 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.

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