
#36 Brew & Bread

So, the end of May is nigh as we know it. Bumpy and hectic, the fifth month of the year has been a sort of turning point in my life. No, I won't elaborate much on that. Thank you.

A checklist of what I've done includes watching and reviewing summer blockbusters, getting together with Sunshine, cafe-hopping, reiterating crucial industrial skills in managing chemical apparatuses, materials and instruments, book-shopping, EDM-playlist update and of course, a Sunday brunch date with friends.

The idea of a gleeful brunch gathering brought us to the distant part of the city - Kota Kemuning. 'Brew & Bread' was the appointed destination, and boy did some of us early risers waited impatiently for each others (since it's a long drive from the KL...) to arrive at the scene.

Feeling peckish and restless, all of us helped ourselves with the orders at once.

Caffe Latte (RM 7.00), Piccolo Latte (RM 7.00), Caramel Latte (RM 8.00), Flat White (RM 7.00)

Iced-Mint-Choc (RM 9.00)
For obvious reason, I was still reeling from the effect induced by overconsumption of caffeinated beverages. Therefore, no espresso-based drinks but plain water for me throughout my meal.

Eggs Waldorf (RM 18)
Adeline's choice was a rectangular plate of fruits and two poached eggs drenched in hollandaise sauce, each served with wild mushrooms on ciabatta bread.

Eggs Benedict (RM 18)
Janice's choice was Waldorf's evil twin brother Benedict, with a slight tweak of substituting the mushrooms with ham instead.

More runny yolk goodness.

From left: Mush Eggs (RM 6), Prosciutto (Pro) Eggs (RM 6)
Christina and Winston's albumin-charged omelette dishes squared off in yet another ham vs. mushroom manner.

Chicken Roulade (RM 18)
Another order meant to be shared, the Chicken Roulade fared well as chicken thigh rolled with stuffing, coated with black and white sesame, brown sauce, pumpkin mash, olive oil infused basil and parsley dip. A slight Kenny Roger's/Ayamas throwback there...

Far left: Jamaican Chicken (RM 8.00)
Far right: Truffle Mushroom (RM 9.00)
For me and Stef, piping hot sandwiches were our pick. While Stef's selection has chicken, fresh fruit, cheese, lettuce, blended fresh tomato paste all stuffed between fluffy ciabatta toast, mine has shitaake, swiss brown, white button, caramelized onion, corals on ciabatta.

We ended up exchanging one of the toasts for fun.

March of Soldiers (M.O.S.)
Yeast paste, herbs and dippy egg on crispy ciabatta. Tasty finger food.

Brew & Bread
10, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla M 31/M, Kota Kemuning.
40460 Shah Alam, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-51315201
Business hours:
Monday - Wednesday: 8.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.
Friday - Sunday: 8.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.
Closed on Thursday

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