
#6 Ah Wah Hokkien Fried Mee

Warning: *Non-Halal post*

Perhaps when it comes to a certain well-known Hokkien Fried Mee joint at Petaling Jaya, fingers will no doubt be pointed at Ah Wa's of Jalan 222. However, I and the gang were dare enough to decide and go against the common culinary demography by unleashing our rather inner sense of hipster(ness). As being different means venturing into foreign territory of another side of the map, we went for another Ah Wah's instead (Yes, with a slightly alphabetical tweak in the name, an extra 'H').

Hokkien Fried Mee
Greasy and smooth, the noodles were fried with sufficient 'wok hei' to warm up your appetite. Furthermore, this dish just couldn't go wrong if you're a fan of pork lard. Imagine the a joyful outburst of burning oil in your piehole upon crunching these sizzling pieces of porky goodness. In conclusion, this Ah Wah might come close as a strong contender in this race (P.s. 'might' 'as I have yet to give the other Ah Wah a try).

'Wat Tan Hor' (Cantonese fried flat noodles)

However, the dish fell short of being underwhelming and extremely slimy. Nothing to shout about.

The stall is located in Restaurant Millenium Eighty Six. Do drop by for dinner if one happens to be loafing around Taman Paramount! (P.s. Sorry for not posting the price this time due to the fact that my memory loss is getting worse, but I do remember the bill ended up RM 8 something for each of us four.

Ah Wah Hokkien Fried Mee,
Restaurant Millenium Eighty Six,
Jalan 20/22, Taman Paramount,
Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Business hours: Evening till late daily.

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